Our mission is to build resiliency and facilitate healing in the lives of those traumatized by violence
- We believe that all individuals should be treated with compassion, dignity and respect
- We believe that with the appropriate supports and resources, healing from trauma and full recovery is possible
- We honor and respect each person’s ability to make choices and manage their life, and believe in their capacity to make positive change
- We acknowledge the ways that different oppressions such as racism, sexism, identity and classism intersects with violence
- We believe and support cultural and spiritual healing traditions and practices
- We believe collective action generates solutions to common problems and builds stronger and resilient communities
- Trauma informed care, personal integrity and ethical practice is at the core of our work
Working towards the physical, psychological, and spiritual health and well-being of society
Identification of violence types is key to addressing issues
Types of Violence
Violence is a pervasive problem that affects people throughout the lifespan and has profound impacts on the overall well being of society. We work with individuals from all backgrounds who have been impacted by violence in these realms:
Intimate Partner Violence– means harmful actions physically, sexually or psychologically by a current or past partner or spouse.
Domestic Violence– refers to violent or abusive behaviours in an intimate, dependent or trusting relationship. Depending on the place and context, that could refer to family violence or intimate partner violence.
Family Violence– is considered to be any form of abuse, mistreatment or neglect that a child or adult experiences from a family member, or from someone with whom they have an intimate relationship.
Elder Abuse- is any action or inaction by those in a trusting relationship that jeopardizes the health or well-being of a senior. Common elder abuse types include financial, emotional, physical, sexual, neglect, medicinal.
Coercive Control- is a form of domestic violence. It describes a pattern of abusive behaviour which seeks to take away freedom and sense of self through ongoing demands, threats, exploitation and surveillance.
Understanding The signs and Effects of
Trauma injures us physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. Trauma is defined as an exposure to an extraordinary experience that presents a physical or psychological threat to oneself or others and generates a reaction of helplessness, fear, sense of horror, serious injury, ability to regulate emotions and navigate relationships or the threat of serious injury or death. The exposure may have occurred in the distant or recent past and may take many forms, but they typically involve an unexpected event/s outside of a person’s control. A person who has experienced a traumatic event can have developed either simple or complex trauma.
Simple Trauma refers to one traumatic event that is definable such as an assault, a car accident, or experiences of being in an earthquake, cyclone, bushfires, house fires, etc.
Complex Trauma is exposure to multiple traumatic events, often of an invasive, interpersonal nature with wide-ranging and long-term impact associated with exposure to severe and pervasive events such as abuse, neglect, abandonment, and living in an environment where emotional needs are not consistently met. The result is that, in order to survive, the person must live continually in a fight, flight, or freeze response which may have kept them safe at the time of danger, but results in an increase of thoughts and behaviours that result in unhealthy relationships, unhealthy coping skills, shame and some mental health issues. Examples of complex trauma include adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), historical/multigenerational trauma, refugee trauma, racism, intimate partner violence, family violence, sexual assault/exploitation, trafficking, etc. Complex trauma typically occurs with repeated trauma against a child but it can also occur as a result of adult’s experience of violence in the community.
Collective Trauma is a psychological reaction to a traumatic event shared by groups of people, communities, or societies. The two major levels of collective trauma are:
Identity Group Level is trauma that can occur amongst various identity groups like age, religion, caste and ethnic groups.
Societal Level refers to nation states or country.
Collective trauma not only brings distress and negative consequences to individuals but it can also change the entire fabric of a community. Collective trauma can impact relationships, alter policies and governmental processes, alter the way the society functions, and even change its social norms. Situations that may bring about collective trauma response may include but are not limited to wars, natural disasters, military occupation, mass shootings, terrorism, pandemics, systematic and historical oppression, colonization, famine, severe poverty, prolonged stays at refugee camps, race-based stress etc.
All violence is unacceptable. We work with all individuals who have been affected by violence regardless of their gender-identity. While both men and women experience violence, statistics show that women are at a higher risk of experiencing higher rates of violence than men. We believe that promoting healthy, respectful, and non-violent relationships and communities, and creating inclusive social structure can help reduce these types of violence and can also prevent the harmful and long-lasting effects of violence on individuals, families, and communities.

Lead Consultant
Aleen has been a social change advocate in the areas of intimate partner violence, family violence and gender-based violence. Aleen is a trauma informed professional who works from an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary knowledge base and has extensive experience working with women, men, children and families that have been affected by violence.
In her work, Aleen has increased awareness and knowledge in the community on family violence, and the emerging issues impacting victims. She has worked collaboratively with community partners to develop and implement policies that provide essential support to families living with violence and liaising between stakeholders and community partners in the process. Through her work in community development, she has raised awareness on social vulnerability issues and has developed strategies to tackle and assist in creating solutions.
Aleen is interested in purposeful work in preventing and healing trauma through professional, compassionate and humanistic approaches to nurture evolved communities in the human realms of physical, psychological and spiritual health and well-being.
Aleen has been awarded with the ‘Peace in Families Award’ for Outstanding Work to End Domestic Violence by the United Cultures of Canada Association. She is a certified counsellor and her educational background includes a Master of Arts Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a Focus in Community Studies and a Bachelor of Child and Youth Care Degree. Disrupting unhealthy norms, healing trauma, social equity and seeing people thrive in their communities is her thing!
Areas of Expertise
- Domestic violence training and intervention
- Identifying, assessing and referring victims of DV
- Best practices for serving victims of violence
- Danger and Risk assessment
- Safety planning and case management
- Family violence in immigrant and BIPOC communities
- Engaging men and boys in preventing and ending violence
- Trauma influenced masculinity
- Human trafficking
- Healthy and unhealthy relationships
- Identifying and referring victims of strangulation (non-lethal)
- Identifying, assessing, managing risk and referring victims of gender-based violence, honor based violence and stalking
- Intersectionality and race matters
- Historical/Multigenerational trauma
- Anti-oppressive practice
- Gender Based Analysis Plus (GBA+)
- Trauma informed practice
- Asset based community development
- Creation and implementation of community development initiatives and programming
- Developing policy recommendations for partnerships
- Building collaborations and community partnerships
- Conference and campaign planning
- Engagement and strategic planning
- Internal consulting
- International consulting
- Public speaking engagements
- Social change advocacy
- Child and Youth Care Counselling
Anti-Black racism

What We do
We offer support to those impacted by violence, public education and awareness raising, community development and social change advocacy.
Community Organization & Development
Trauma and violence are widespread, harmful and a costly social concern. We offer expert advise on matters pertaining to violence. We help communities form as collectives around shared self interests by helping drive the necessary actions to affect change.
We lead, coordinate and participate in community development initiatives, projects, and campaigns that aim to inform, prevent, and end violence.
Social Change
Social change advocacy is at the heart of what we do. We work to influence public attitude, systems and policy makers, promoting gender equity, social inclusion, and problem solving by helping and advising people impacted by trauma about the resources and strategies they can utilize.
Keeping Society Informed
Public Education and Awareness Raising
Our aim is to create social change. We believe that in order to change deeply engrained attitudes and behaviours of society, it is imperative that we offer public education and awareness presentations & workshops. Presentations are offered to organizations, community groups, schools, religious organizations and other professionals.
Public education is offered through online delivery and in class as needed.
Get In Touch
Nyati consulting is located on treaty 6 territory, traditional lands and home of First
Nations and Métis People.